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24 HR Sales - 310-704-4033

Sportsman Quote and Brochure linkGET QUOTE: 800-266-7150
We Ship Gun Safes Everywhere | 24 HR Sales - 310-704-4033





Nuclear Biological Chemical Doors

Nuclear Biological Chemical Doors for NBC Rooms


Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Vault Doors

12" N-B-C DOOR

Our American made NBC Vault Doors secure safe rooms domestically and around the world. Our 12" thick NBC vault doors are manufactured with triple-tiered steel construction, U-Shaped blast resistors and Jig-Saw five point sealing doors. Where many NBC vault doors have simple locking systems, we have S & G group I locks, 18 locking bolts and 1" thick 60 Rockwell hard plate. This allows your NBC room to also be used as a walk-in vault.

Sportsman and Pentagon Vault Doors travel north America personally installing and constructing our NBC Rooms and Blast-Resistant Doors. Our Hi-Tech mobile trucks come to your residence or business for FULL SERVICE. Our NBC Shelters usually cost $150 - $200.00 a SQ FT. With air filtration systems, water purification pumps, tech values and a comfortable living space. We can build special "step system hatch doors" with secondary entrances and "hidden passages". Our Safety Shelters are much like underground homes with kitchens, bathrooms, closets, bedrooms with your choice of carpet, tile, sheet rock walls, painted or textured.

Call for a FREE QUOTE. We will come to your home or business to do a site evaluation, evaluating your terrain, location and altitude. CALL: 800-266-7150

Nuclear Biological Chemical Smart Room

NBC Room ConstructionNBC Room ConstructionNBC Room Construction



Hydraulic hatch door videoHydraulic hatch door video image

vault doors, custom vault doors, nuclear biological blast doorsN·B·C Blast Hatch Doors

Our new blast hatches now come with N·B·C resistance. What's unique about our NBC Hatch Doors? They come with vault-level security. Most hatch doors are easy to break into. With an internal release, exiting your vault room during emergency is easy. Simple lift your internal spring-loaded handle and pull it toward the middle of the door. And the fire levels are extraordinary. With a concrete-filled 6" blast carriage door, not only is your blast door 2-Hour fire-rated, but it also comes with a blast rating not available on most N·B·C products.

Your hatch vault can be ordered with our NEW Porcupine reinforcement System (12 - 1" thick - 5" long steel posts continuously welded to your frame so your vault can be directly tied to the rebar in your concrete-filled walls).

vault doors, custom vault doors, nuclear biological blast doors vault doors, custom vault doors, nuclear biological blast doors

Call us for a quote -
800 266-7150!!!
vault doors, custom vault doors, nuclear biological blast doors  vault doors, custom vault doors, nuclear biological blast doors 

"I received my blast door & hatch. The greatest thing is the quality and value! I got both doors for the price of the one door featured on the TV show "Deep Earth Bunkers"! You can't even compared their $7,800 to your Self-Filled Doors!" - C. D., Nuclear Vault Customer

Nuclear-Biological-Chemical Hatch Doors
35" x 35" x 12"  2 HR Fire Rating -- Double NBC Seals - Continuous Welds - 22lbs PSI  $5199 
35" x 35" x 12"  5" Concrete-Filled Jig-Saw Door - 3 HR Fire Rating - USA MADE  $6999 
40" x 40" x 12"  2 HR Fire Rating -- Double NBC Seals - Continuous Welds - 22lbs PSI  $5999 
40" x 40" x 12"  5" Concrete-Filled Jig-Saw Door - 3 HR Fire Rating - USA MADE  $7899 

Nuclear-Biological-Chemical Vault Doors
80" x 35" x 12"  2 HR Fire Rating -- Double NBC Seals - Continuous Welds - 22lbs PSI  $7899 
80" x 35" x 12"  5" Concrete-Filled Jig-Saw Door - 3 HR Fire Rating - USA MADE  $8899 
80" x 42" x 12"  2 HR Fire Rating -- Double NBC Seals - Continuous Welds - 22lbs PSI  $8899 
80" x 42" x 12"  5" Concrete-Filled Jig-Saw Door - 3 HR Fire Rating - USA MADE  $9899 

NEW - Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Sealing System - It's Airtight!

Our new N.B.C. Compress Seals make your vault room Nuclear, Biological & Chemical resistant. We include N.B.C. seals on your 3" Step System Door and Frame. We also continuously weld every inch of your vault, frame & seams to make your vault door N.B.C. resistant. Continuous welds also run along your internal steel panels and atop your lock hole that connects your external lock to our internal mechanism. We can even include an NBC resistant "lunch pail" over your lock to make your complete locking system NBC resistant! - ONLY $1999 - $2499.

Call to talk to a Vault Expert: 800-266-7150

Nuclear-Biological-Chemical SealNuclear-Biological-Chemical Seal

Nuclear Biological Chemical Seal
NEW Nuclear-Biological-Chemical Seal
Tested in the field - Passed with 25 PSI


"No Doors Broken into or Losses Due to Fire in 30 years!!!"

CALL FOR A QUOTE 800-266-7150

Our Vault Doors are Built with Quality and Pride in the USA

Four hour vault door



Pentagon Vault Doors makes the biggest breakthrough in vault door design! Our new 5" thick Vault Door (8" overall thickness) is the first 4 HOUR Vault Door under $4000. Two layers of steel sandwich three vertical "U-Shaped" steel blast-resistors. After installation, we pour concrete into the top of the vault door, transforming this NBC door into a 1700lbs 4 HOUR FIRE VAULT DOOR as well !!! -- $3299

Three Blast-Resistors - FREE
Three Blast-Resistors - FREE!



Pentagon's NBC Doors are step sided. Steel steps are constructed on the inside of our 12" Vault Doors with female steps located along the frame. Your NBC door shuts and interlocks into a step frame, making your door airtight, waterproof and gas-proof. Custom gaskets are used depending on the doors applications.


Our NBC specialists can provide you with one-stop shopping when it comes to NBC safe rooms and vault doors. Everything from explanation of manufacturing and installation to testing and maintenance. Pentagon can also provide retrofit upgrades for existing HVAC systems and CBRN Protection Shelters.

Pentagon's Blast Resistant NBC Doors can be custom built to size and will provide a complete range of technological protection on shelters and hardened structures. Our NBC Blast Resistant Doors offer Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical protection for US military, civilian and industrial applications.

Contact us personally if you need expert advice with regards to blast protection valves, gas tight dampers, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) filtering systems and custom air handling units.

Call Us - 1-800-266-7150
Four point sealing step doors

Bomb-Shelter Door - $3799

Nuclear Power Plant Doors Made to Order
Two-In-One Vault Doors
Two-In-One Vault Doors
NBC & 4 Hour Fire Resistance
Pour-In-Place Frames
Pour-In-Place Frames
Continuous Welds - NBC Seals
Sportsman and Pentagon Vault Doors wants to build YOU the perfect Nuclear-Biological-Chemical Shelter. Our first priority is protecting you and your family. Whether your project is large or small, we can design a NBC room or Walk-In Vault for less than you think. We understand everyone has different budgets and diverse needs. That's why Sportsman and Pentagon Blast-Resistant Doors have prices ranging from $6,000-$2,000,000.

IMPORTANT - Sportsman and Pentagon Vault Doors will come to your residence or business personally to install your NBC room and Walk-In Vault. No local contractors. We install your NBC Room and Blast-Resistant Doors with our qualified NBC workers and consultants so the job gets done right, using our 45 point inspection.

Give us a call and we'll give you a quote, plus we'll explain what you can expect from your new NBC Room or Walk-In Vault. We will also fly to your home or business to survey your property for a full service site development quote. One call does it all -- 800-266-7150

For further explanation on our NBC Room's air purification filtration systems please call us. Our filtration systems will protect you from Agent Orange, nuclear fallout air and almost all know contaminates.

Our Bomb Shelters and NBC Rooms look like attractive additions to your home. But there's a BIG difference. Your walls are constructed with patented, impact-resistant, fire-resistant "super shells", as well as state of the art blast-resistors and air purification systems that deliver ultimate protection in dirty bomb or nuclear crises.

Whether you need an NBC Room, Safe Room, Nuclear Shelter, Panic Room or Walk-In Vault call us - 800-266-7150. Call us and guard YOUR FAMILY against theft, natural catastrophe, tornados, earthquakes or terrorist bio-chemical or nuke attack.

Protect what's important, your family, your future. At Sportsman and Pentagon Vault Doors, we ensure the process will flow smooth. From the initial consultation to the design to the excavation and finally to the installation of your Blast-Resistant Super Door.

Sportsman and Pentagon Blast-Doors and Vault Doors has been building Blast-Resistant Doors for 30 years.

CALL US FOR A QUOTE... 800-266-7150. Or you can e-mail us today for a quote at

Pentagon & Sportsman Blast-Doors and Safes have security products at the FBI, DOJ, DEA, ATF, NYPD, LAPD, US Homeland Security, US Secret Service, US Inspector Generals Office, Lyntech Technology and Wyoming Dinosaur Museum. 
NBC Vault Door
80x35x12 Continuous Welds -
NBC Seals - $5999
80x40x12 Continuous Welds -
NBC Seals - $6899

Vault Door

Add a nuclear biological chemical door to you storm shelter.

NBC Doors for Storm Shelters and Safe Rooms



NBC Filtration SystemPentagon blast resistant Vault Doors are utilized in civil defense and military shelters. Different levels of armor-plated doors, stainless steel doors, armor-plated covers and pressure doors are available. These doors are designed for high and medium levels of protection. Pentagon Doors can have concrete added to it's double steel 8" thick door upon installation OR our manufacturing technicians can add the concrete into our doors to insure optimum bond levels.

When properly installed, Pentagon Doors can offer protection against chemical agents and radioactive fallout. Rooms will requires ventilation units, which are equipped with valves, pre-filters and NBC filters. NBC ventilation units create "over-pressure" inside the shelter, preventing harmful gases from leaking inside.

NBC-filters are shockproof units designed to clean the air of the following contaminants:
* Nuclear fallout * Radioactive Materials & dust * Biological agents * All known war gases

Pentagon's NBC Doors are installed in hardened industrial, private and military shelters. NBC filters must be installed in these rooms with nominal airflow capacity. A wide range of ventilation and filtering units for shelters can be connected by flexible hoses in order to clean the air of radioactive dust, bacterium and all known war gases.

Call us to learn more about our

Lunor NBC-filter systemsLunor NBC-filter systemsLunor NBC-filter systems

Lunor NBC-filter systems protect against contamination, such as from radioactive fall-out and all known chemical and biological agents. The gas filters are suitable to Lunor ventilation units.
1. Ventilation unit
2. Shelter valve (explosion-protection valve with pre-filter)
3. NBC - filter
The contaminated air (red, sucked in by the ventilator) passes the valve and the NBC-filter. Inside the NBC-filter the air flows through different filters (activated carbon, HEPA-filter), gets cleaned and is breathable again (blue).


"Most Asked Questions..."

What disasters can my NBC shelter protect my family and valuables from?

Bio-Chemical emergencies, hurricanes, earthquakes, fire, high impact explosions, gunfire, electromagnetic radiation, plus most nuclear assaults, burglaries, intruders and break-in theft.

Have the shelter’s components been tested to meet their intended use?

Yes. All of our NBC and Blast-Resistant Shelter components have been tested. Our NBC Rooms are a unique combination of construction materials that work together synergistically to provide tremendous strength, fire resistance and bio-chemical protection during an emergency.
How long will it take to build a shelter?

That depends on the size and accessories. Our shelters are custom designed on site to fit the climate and terrain. Usually an NBC Room will take a month to build. 

Can your shelters be constructed for commercial use?

Yes. It can be added to an office, business, government agency, university or a retirement home for the elderly.

How long can you stay in a NBC shelter?

Indefinitely, depending upon food and water supplies.

Are your shelters designed to accommodate the handicapped or elderly?

Yes, we can provide ramps and rails where necessary.

Will your NBC Rooms decrease my home insurance?

Yes. But your individual insurance agent will have to make these assessments.

Will your shelters protect my family from most disasters?

Yes, our NBC Shelters and Blast-Resistant Doors are designed to protect your family and valuables. Our Air Purification systems can remove Agent Orange and almost all chemical contaminants.

How can one finance a shelter?

You may not need to. Our NBC Rooms are not terribly expensive. But you can finance it like any home improvement... by refinancing, line of credit or restructuring you current home loan.

Is it true concrete shelters are dangerous because of the moisture they hold?

Yes, but we use a high-quality sealant mixture in the concrete that keeps out moisture to insure that your family is safe, comfortable, and most importantly protected.

NBC Vault Door - $4299

Bio-Chemical Vault Door
Custom Sizes Available

Featured Customer Vault doorNBC ROOM OR WALK-IN VAULT DOOR --

When your NBC Room is not being used as a Safe Room, it can be used as a WALK-IN VAULT. Built with twin-relockers, concrete fire insulation and three layer steel doors, we've never had a door broken into in 30 years.

Please contact our office for more information.

Kevin Hand -- COO-CEO Blast-Resistant Door Specialist / NBC Consultant -
1- 800-266-7150


Lunor NBC-filter systems*Lunor NBC-filter systems protect against contamination, such as from radioactive fall-out and all known chemical and biological agents. The gas filters are suitable to Lunor ventilation units.

CUSTOM FILTRATION SYSTEMS - We custom build filtration systems from your home, business or subterranean rooms.

Top secret entrances are available as an options. We accommodate your square footage needs with total privacy We also offer you privacy, security, safety and unbeatable value on land or land home shelter packages. Your land or land home shelter package has been sited to maximum safety and living conditions. We offer you suitable land or land home shelter packages that fit your needs, within your price range. As little as $15,000 for a total NBC room. We use local Title and Escrow companies to ensure proper title insurance, Escrow accounts and closings, because protecting you is our business.

Sportsman and Pentagon Blast-Resistant Doors have built our business on integrity, quality of work and attention to detail. We are a full service site development company that is qualified to discretely complete your projects. We use American steel and Swiss Purification Air Systems. All work is complete to beyond industry standards and to your satisfaction.

Our LX-16 Pack Digital Video Recorder will provide surveillance and allow you and your family to see what is happen outside your NBC room, into your house and backyard. It also has the capabilities to play DVD's and lock in radio signals for external communication in case of a national emergencies.
Call us for a quote our your NBC room - 800 266-7150

16 Ch Camera Digital Video Recorder 

16 Ch Camera Digital Video Recorder
Sale Price: $2,099.00
LX-16PACK Overview

  • Professional series 16 Channel DVR w/ 16 cameras package
  • Anti-Pixilation Technology TM for high quality recorded image
  • H.264 for highest quality Internet streaming
  • Optical mouse and remote control included
  • DVD drive backup and VGA card included
  • CMS (Central Management Software)
  • Jog Shuttle for easy Rev/ FF
  • Up to 480 FPS recording for smooth playback
  • SONY CCD with ADVANCED DSPTM color camera
  • Extended Warranty Available

"No Doors Broken into or Losses Due to Fire in 30 years!!!"

*All Vault Dimensions are exterior dimensions including frame.
Call Us for Walk-Through Dimensions - 1-800-266-7150

Call us to learn more about our

No One Beats Our Prices. No One Has Our Quality.

"Call us for a free quote!"
Los Angeles CALL 1-800-266-7150
Houston 1-888-681-4140

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All Sportsman Steel & Pentagon Vault designs belong solely to Sportsman Steel, Inc. and are not subject to replicating for personal fabrication. If you are a company or individual who would like to license our designs call our legal team for a licensing agreement - (800) 266-7150