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Features to Look For in a Biometric Gun Safe

Buying A Stun Gun? How Do They Work?

Crazy Voltage! 100,000 volts? 300,000? 4.5 million volts? Stop your attacker in his tracks!

These days we have the need to always be alert and aware of our surroundings, especially women. There is an account of an attack on a young mall worker.

The young woman who was near her home in a suburban area was planning to have a night out with friends. She was very responsible, intelligent, and very beautiful. A college student who worked a part-time job as well, three nights per week in the food court at the mall. Always wanting to follow the rules, she parked as far away as she could from the mall entrance, leaving lots of parking spaces for mall shoppers. When other co-workers would break the rule sometimes, and park where they could be closer, especially in cold weather, she would always do what she felt was right and leave the more convenient places for customers.

Friday night had finally come. The night that she had planned for the entire week was here. There was no time to change her clothes before security closed all the exits for the evening, so she decided to change in her car.

It was a brutally cold night. She knew she had to get out of her work uniform, and into her dress quickly. Since she was at the far end of the parking lot, no one would see her, or know that she was changing. The security guard was making his rounds as well so she felt completely safe.

She quickly changed, was now looking in the rearview mirror to apply makeup and finishing touches. She saw the lights of a vehicle approaching. It was the security guard. He approaches with a flashlight shining it directly into her vehicle, and blinding her with the bright light. He tapped on the window with the flashlight asking her to roll down the window. Though she had not seen him before, she trusted him. He was mall security.

She rolled down her window. He asked,”What are you doing out here, are you alone?” She told him she was just leaving. He had driven by and had a glimpse of her changing clothes. He had seen her walk to her car. He knew how attractive she was. He wanted her, and saw this as an opportunity.

He hit her with the flashlight. She saw the blow coming and blocked it partly with her arm. She gad her cell phone close by. She had called her friends recently and told them she was on the way. She also had her cell phone Stun Guns for Sale. She quickly reached over to the passenger’s seat. The attacker came at her again, leaning right into the car trying to pull her out. She was able the reach her stun gun and zap him in the neck. He fell slumped over limp and powerless. These work by interrupting the neurological impulses that control muscle movement. Hid body is unable to work properly.

She kicked him off of her. He hit the ground directly outside of the vehicle. She closed the door and spun away quickly. She stopped in a well-lit area among other cars and call 911. This smart, and beautiful young woman defended herself, and followed through with police. Getting this low life off the streets and preventing him from hurting anyone else.

Be prepared to protect yourself, your family, especially your children. Protect Yourself Supplies, gadgets, and security cameras are a part of our lives today. Your safety and security is our business.

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